Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yesterday my sickness and my jammies held me captive and, apparently, that is just what I needed. Read on.

Old man Fronzoni was my partner in crime today. By "partner in crime" I am referring to the shadow of a man in the corner. This fragile substitute shambled aside and got out of my hair. It was pleasant. It was refreshing to teach and not have Big Brother hovering over me with those yellow squinting eyes peering. No! Today my classroom was not the Valley of Ashes, it was my classroom! Perhaps, I haven't realized that I feel I am being watched. I never felt restricted or nervous teaching in front of my CT, but in her absence this pleasant sensation, which is the complete opposite of every other sensation I have had this week (being sick and all), sprang suddenly up from the germy depths and I was "on point" as my students would say! I was being silly and making bad jokes (Ex. A poisonous pickle is inimical) to help them learn vocabulary words, and I may have even whistled a ditty. I guess having your own space makes a difference. I am looking forward to tomorrow, but I should probably begin working on something to share with my darlings.

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