Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sick Week

What is difficult to understand is that kids don't really care if you are sick. I am. Very.
My kids don't care. I don't know if we are allowed sick days so I have been teaching four classes and suffering from an ailment that I have never had before this week. I started my antibiotics yesterday so hopefully I will not end every day with my head pounding and body aching.

Nothing this week has been too terribly exciting. We are still working on characterization with hopes of having students write an essay on "Everything that Rises Must Converge" next week focusing on one character and the type of characterization used, which means that next weekend I will be grading essays.
Tonight I am attending a presentation of Flannery O'Connor's letters that were recently released at Emory, although I feel like I should be watching reruns in bed with my cat.

CT's husband also works in the school and today he came over to our classroom at the end of the day and saw my Bell Hooks book which sent him on a rant. He doesn't like her (for her feminist writing, not her writing on education), but I was humored and he and I joked about the differences. I like when that happens: two people disagree, but listen to one another and agree to disagree.

No more blogging today. Thursday and Friday my CT is gone and it is just me with a sub.
Maybe I will have interesting stories to share!

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