Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Two Down

I am pretty much official now, well, minus the name tag (which should be here by next week).
My day begins early and end late. Too late. Traffic late. There is no way I could even imagine leaving though, not before at least 1/3 of my work is done. It is hard.

Day one I told my kids my one rule: Respect.
Day two I only had to remind one period of my one rule. Actually, I had the kid who was there yesterday tell the kid who was there today (talking while I was talking...rude!) to tell him that there was only one rule: Respect, and that talking while I was talking was disrespectful.

I like newspaper/journalism, but was reminded today that the minds of teens are immensely different than that of adults. Brittney Spears v. New Hampshire Primaries. Bologna v. News.
Hmmm, now I am trying to figure out how to make a suggestions without really making a suggestion. I did say today that, "Newspaper is for news, not for bitching!" Good ole' boss lady.

I am in a constant state of disarray, and as hard as I try to become organized there is always something missing. It is very frustrating. I even bought stand-up files and lay down files and all sorts of files. It has only been two full days and I am already exhausted.

My favorite part of the day is when my sixth period comes because I have a few Hispanic students that say, "Hey Mees!" My name is not Miss Cook, just "Mees." It is actually real cute.

I'll get it down...it might take a while though.

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