Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Land Where Imagination Reigns Supreme

I've been seeking refuge from hardening of the imagination by reading children's tales.
I look to authors like Roald Dahl and Shel Silverstein and remind myself that they were adults too. I try to find my creativity and make things with my hands to remind myself that I am capable of creating and imagining.
I've made terrariums complete with banjo playing astronauts, journals adorned with pigs and mice in britches, paintings that double as night lights with roosters on them, super hero dolls, trading cards, drawings of giants, and I feel that I have rescued myself from the dismal valley of "grown up." My writing though is still struggling. It has been so long since I have stayed in with hopes of writing something for myself that isn't simply a reflection, an analysis of a book, event, or film, or a line from my reading that struck me for one reason or another. I want to center myself again and focus my creativity towards writing.

It is my goal to find sanctuary from whatever it is that plagues the youthful mind as I wish to never lose it...
I'm still trying to figure out how to protect it.

Here are some great ones...love Shel Silverstein.

"God's Wheel"

God says to me with a kind of smile,
"Hey how would you like to be God awhile
And steer the world?"
"Okay," says I, "I'll give it a try.
Where do I set?
How much do I get?
What time is lunch?
When can I quit?"
"Gimme back that wheel," says God.
"I don't think you're quite ready yet."

"Listen to the MUSTN'TS"

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be."


abscott said...

Hey Girl, It's been a long time. Matt P showed me your blog awhile ago and every once in a while I stop by to read it... Good stuff! Anywho, I'm reading this book We Make The Road By Walking by Myles Horton. It's a conversation between two cool guys on education and social change. It made me think of you.
Here is a blog I started about things that are fun and inspire.

Miss You!!

abscott said...

Can you email me you address? I would love to write you.