Thursday, November 8, 2007

Point Master

Today a student who isn't in any of my classes brought me and CT some candy bars that he bought just for us! Cool! Chocolate. I am not sure of the protocol for accepting candy from kids, but alls I know is I am not saying no to free candy.

Also we were doing this Craniumesque vocabulary review for their quiz tomorrow and my beloved third period (little demons incarnate)decided that one of their team names was gonna be "Mike Hawk." I wasn't actually teaching their class (because they are bad kids so I gave them back) but CT wrote it on the board and the kids sniggered from their Devil thrones. Get it Mike Hawk, my cock. Puerile wordplay.

At the end of class I told that team that I was subtracting one point from their final score for assuming that their teachers are too dumb to understand their baby jokes.


1 comment:

drc said...

Reminds me of the AP students who made T-shirts reading "We *heart* AP-ness!"