Friday, April 4, 2008

We shall overcome some day

Today is the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. This is one of my favorite speeches that Robert Kennedy gave. He was standing in the back of a pickup and didn't look at the piece of paper in his hands, not even once.
It made me cry on the way to work this morning...what am I gonna do with all this passion?

"My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He once wrote, 'Even in our sleep, pain which we cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grade of God.' What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the Unites States in not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but is love and wisdom, and compassion towards one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer in our country, whether they be white or whether they be black...Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world."

I wrote it on my white board to remind my kids not to forget.

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